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『アピタル乳がん夜間学校 第9回目 乳がんの薬物療法(分子標的薬剤)について』が公開された

Last Wednesday, "アピタ乳がん夜間学校" was held.
Dr. Shimizu lectured the chemotherapy using the molecular targeted drugs for breast cancer.

Recently, a lot of these drugs have been launched, so I was little confused about breast cancer treatment.
However, her lecture is very easy to understand, so I could rearrange my information.

Dr Yamauchi told before lecture, the breast cancer patient is a ratio of one of 18 persons.
I thought the breast cancer was not rare disease, so I need to know about breast cancer therapy.


The number of cancer patients are increasing.
This year, several famous people died by cancer.

When I watched these news on TV, I think that cancer is not already rare disease.

Recently, a lot of cancer campaign exits, such as pink ribbon.
Moreover, the good websites has increased.

CancerChannel is one of them. At this site, several movie information were shown.

If I want to get the basic information of some cancer, the movie at this site could help me to recognize them.