I didn't know that anglophone uses the face mark for email.Recently, I read the English site for my practice. I noticed that they often use "D" words in this site. First, I didn't care about it, but I understood what they mean.I gradually …
iOS4.3.3が気に入っていたので、iOS5に上げずにいたのですが、iOS6が出る話やiOS5でないと動かないアプリも出てきたので、重い腰をあげた。iOSはバージョンが変わると、元の状態に戻すのが大変です。 なので、今の端末では最後にしたいな。案の定、いくつも…
久しぶりに英語を勉強した。なかなか単語も、文法も頭に入ってこない。受動態を使うとき、byには名詞、名詞句が続いて、by以下の状態に影響を受けたことを表現すると思っていた。 I am surprised by him. 彼に驚かされる。 I am surprised by his talking. …
先日、by関数について質問を受けたので、それを一例に少しまとめようと思います。 by関数はヘルプを見れば分かるように、tapply関数と同じ作用を示す関数です。 tapply関数は、名前から予想がつくようにapply関数の仲間です。(因みに、apply系の関数として、…
In this ASCO, T-DM1 which is that DM1 is connected with trastzumab (Herceptin) showed the good result in clinical trial. T-DM1 is usually called as trastuzumab emtansine.In this trial, T-DM1 was treated to the HER2 positive breast cancer p…
Sorafenib which is known as Nexavar is pan-RTK inhibitor and molecular targeted drug. This is developed by Bayer and Onyx Pharmaceuticals, and FDA has approved it to treat hepatocellular carcinoma and renal carcinoma. In Japan, this drug h…
久々にRのことを書こうと思います。 つい最近、read.tableのことで質問があり、こんな疑問もあるなあ、と思ったのがきっかけなのデスが。read.table関数はread.XXX(read.delim, read.csv, read.csv2)系のベースになっている関数で、タブ区切り、CSVでない形…
Pertuzumab is the next-generation molecular targeted drug and cure the HER2-positive breast cancer to inhibit the dimerization of HER2 receptors.Today, pertuzumab was approved by FDA and it can be used to treatment HER2-positive breast can…
At ASCO 2012, it was shown that Gemcitabine might not improve the prognosis of the HER2-negative and lymph node positive breast cancer patients.For the adjuvant chemotherapy to the HER2-negative and lymph node positive breast cancer patien…
Now we can use several adjuvant chemotherapy for the breast cancer treatment after surgery, but it is not clear which is the best. Because each patient have different background and the breast cancer is classified to several subtype, to ha…
久しぶりに英語を勉強した。depend(s) on ... と depending on ... どっちも同じ意味と思っているけど、使い方が分からない。 dependは「...に頼る」という動詞なので、depending on ... は現在進行形になっている。つまり、こういうこと理解した。 depend(s…
The diagnosis for baby's genetic mutation has improved.The researchers succeeded to detect the Down's syndrome using the mother blood and father saliva.It is well-known that non cellular DNA is floating into the pregnant women's blood. Pre…
Usually, we use the "risk" to explain the possibility to become illness.However, I suppose that it is difficult for almost all the people to understand the meaning of risk.For example, one patient have the symptom of cancer and the doctor …
I'm thinking that many people overfocus to improve the performance and they don't pay attention to the meaning of this results or algorithm.This is very awful situation, because the aim of algorithm making is that we understand the system …
BBC said that the awareness of cannabis smoking.The cannabis is illegal drug in Japan, but other countries is not. Although I don't know the thinking of cannabis in UK, maybe several people are thinking that smoking cannabis is one of recr…
Recent BBC news indicated two controversial topics.One is that Iron tablet is useful for women anemia, Iron pills may help women beat fatigue Prescribing iron supplements may help some women with fatigue even if they are not officially ana…
BBC reported that the premature birth are linking to mental health.According to the research at King's College London and the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, bipolar disorder, depression and psychosis might be linked to premature birth.How…
今週のお題「おすすめのレストラン」去年、私は結婚10周年でした。 思えば、結婚してから急に仕事が忙しくなり、単身赴任と転勤を繰り返す日々で何だかよく分からないまま時間が過ぎていった・・・幸いにも二人の子供に恵まれ、健康に毎日を過ごせている。 これ…
Today's topic in BBC is that the rat injured leg recovered this waking ability because of reconnecting to the spinal cord.This is published in Science journal. The researchers injured the rat leg by the chemical and these rats lost the abi…
Generally, it is difficult to research the cause of the pediatric disease because of the small population.For example, the drug dosage for the pediatric disease isn't strictly decided, and the pharmacy have to calculate depend on children …
BBC announced that"Aspirin could reduce the risk of skill cancer".Skin cancer is usually classified the three, such as basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, or the rarer but more dangerous malignant melanoma.The News shows that th…
今週のお題「私のクセ」久しぶりに、日記を書いている。はてなブックマークも目を通せてないなぁ・・・最近は英語の勉強や仕事が忙しくて頭がぜんぜんまとまらない。 気晴らしのTwitterも、いつの間にか英語でつぶやいている・・・ある日、TOEICスコアが低いことが…
昨日のTokyor23で混合効果効果モデルの話題が出ていて思い出した。最近、「Rの…」なる統計本は乱立状態で節操が無い気がする。 でありながら、国内には統計学の良著が少なく、理論をしっかり学びたい場合は、どうしても洋書に頼らざるを得ない。 でも、洋書…
BBC alerted the risk that the children watch the TV for a long time.To watch the TV is not good for the eye, but also related to obese. Obese is the main problem for present human. BBC said that 50% of men and 30% of women would be obese b…
The BBS said that Nigeria, Pakistan and Afghanistan are needed polio vaccine to eradicate the disease.Africa, Tajikistan and China had been exerted more than the decade ago. Vaccination is known as one of the effective medication and can g…
今週のお題「ゴールデンウィーク」一足早く、GWのイベントとして、潮干狩りに行ってきた。去年は5月末だったので、一ヶ月も早い潮干狩りでした。 去年の潮干狩りでは、忘れっぽくて、移り気の激しい子供のおかげて思わぬ珍道中な潮干狩りでしたが、今年は何…
TokyoR#22でアソシエーションルールのGroceriesデータセットが見れないという話題がでていた。 window.twttr = (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], t = window.twttr || {}; if (d.getElementById(id)) return t; js = d.cr…
The circular tumor cells mean the tumor cell floating in the blood.When the tumor grows, the partial cells are apart from the tumor mass. And then, their cells go into the vessel and start to flow.Usually, it is used cytological diagnosis …
HER2 positive gastric cancer is recently focused well because the Herceptin was approved in Japan.Before chemotherapy, the diagnosis of HER2 status is needed at the gastric cancer tissue. Usually, it is used immunohistochemical analysis an…
Abbott got the approval of FISH kit for detection of ALK fusion gene. This kit is planned to utilize before Crizotinib treatment.Crizotinib is known as XALKORI and desined to inhibit ALK protein (made by Phizer). This drug has been approve…