



久しぶりにR tutorial。 summary関数 数値に使うと、最小値、四分位、平均、最大値、NAの数を要約します。 そして、数値以外の属性についてもデータセットの概観できます。 > x <- sample(10,100,replace=TRUE) > x[sample(100,10)] <- NA > > y <- data.fra…


PSA screening test is used to diagnose the prostate cancer in US. On the other hand, Japan doesn't recognize the PSA test as the effective test because of a poor evidence. I wrote this topic in the previous diary.Today, U.S. Preventive Ser…


Pancreatic cancer is one of the worst cancer in the world.If this cancer developed, the symptom is very slightly. Generally, this cancer has progressed severely, when we feel the backache, poor appetite and so on.Therefore, we are wanting …


Circulation tumor cells (CTCs) are metastatic bio-marker of breast cancer metastasis.Previously, cancer cells are known to be separated from tumor mass, when the breast cancer progresses. Therefore, CTCs is derived from epithelia and expre…


BRCA1/2 is one of the most famous mutation about cancer. Familial breast cancer is often detected these mutation.BRCA1/2 functions the gene repair enzyme. Therefore if the mutation has occurred, the breast cancer cell would be easy to be c…


Pancreatic cancer is one of the worst cancer in the worlds. This cancer is hard to diagnose in the early stage, so we often have no way to treat the patients when the cancer is found.Today's BBC said that combination therapy of gemcitabine…


This news is Japanese translation and related to this dialy.This news shows all diagnostic markers, so I write below. 早期の非小細胞肺癌(NSCLC)の術後の転帰について、従来から用いられている病期分類よりも正確に転帰不良の患者を同定できるアル…


The gastric cancer could develop the metastasis to membranes of the abdomen as a result of the surgery. Because a few cancer cell would be spreading to abdominal space during surgery. Therefore, the surgeon has to estimate the risk of meta…


id:bob3にコメントをいただけました。ありがとうございます。 で、修正しました。Rのデフォルトにある関数はこんな感じ。 統計量 関数名 平均 mean 分散 var 標準偏差 sd 中央値 median 最小値 min 最大値 max 範囲 range MAD(median absolute deviation) ma…

Whitney Houstonは始めて好きになった洋楽だった

She is my first Diva for my life. Her voice was very impressive and encouraged me. I can never hear her voice. I'm very sad. American singer and actress Whitney Houston has died in Los Angeles at the age of 48. A spokesman for Houston's fa…


NSCLC(non-small cell lung cancer) is a common lung cancer (85%) in the world.The Pinpoint Dx Lung Assay targets these patients and diagnose the effect to chemotherapy. The Pinpoint Dx Lung Assay, launched in late January concurrent with th…


Affymetrix announced their net loss.Affymetrix is a leader company at the gene expression science. Of course, this quarter isn't good, but their business is growing and spreading now. Therefore, their damage would be temporal.Surely, this …


久しぶりに母親にあった。そして、いろいろ話をした。 自分が大人になり、親になり、母は祖母になった。 でも、祖母になった母にとって僕は今でも子供だった。 そして、そこには自分の知らない母親がいた。 親として生きていくことの意味を、一つの詩として…


In the previous diary, I wrote about Sysmex.Sysmex released the diagnostic test, named OSNA. This can diagnose the metastasis from the breast cancer to sentinel lymph node and it only takes about 45min to get the result of diagnosis.Today,…


Omnitarg is antibody drug and inhibits the dimerization of HER protein. This dimerization is needed to grow the cancer cells in the HER2 positive breast cancer. Therefore, this drug is thought to give us a new treatment.At the trial of thi…


NCI Cancer Bulletin on Jan. 24 has reported about the risk of BRCA mutation. BRCA1/2 mutations are the most famous mutations at the breast cancer and ovarian cancer.The person with these mutations are the familial breast cancer group, and …


I didn't know the adverse effect by anti-cancer drugs wasn't categorized to "医薬品副作用被害救済制度".A lot of cancer patients is suffering from various adverse effect now. Moreover, they are afraid of cancer death if the anti-cancer drug…


昨日の日記が脈絡無く、ぐだぐだだったので、分けることにした。人よりも先を行き、強いカリスマ性で人を導き、教えることをティーチングという。 一方、人とともに歩み、ときに支え、ときに導き、ときに見守るそんな教え方をコーチングというらしい。個人の…


Several tyrosine kinase inhibitors have been launched.This news shows this type of drug is useful to treat the progressive renal carcinoma. 癌登録などの登録制度を利用したスウェーデンのポピュレーションベースの解析から、転移を有する腎細胞癌…



思いがけず、トラックバックをいただけた。 私の何気ない感想から新しいつながりが生まれた。何だか不思議な気分です。 地獄のミサワ的Rユーザーの回帰分析はてなブックマーク- 地獄のミサワ的Rユーザーの回帰分析 ただ、私はミサワさんの真意を誤解していた…



CUIでRを使っていたので、GUIにはどうも馴染めないままでいたのですが、id:phosphor_mさんのRzパッケージは見た目も美しく、使ってみたいなと思いました。 Rzパッケージ・チュートリアル - はやしのブログ Rev.3はてなブックマーク- Rzパッケージ・チュート…





I haven't utilized the NGS, but I'm interested in this technology and data.Last month, I knew the tutorial seminar about NGS would be held at Riken and CBRC. Therefore, this is the good chance for me to understand the structure of this dat…





最近、また背中が痛い。 整体、針、マッサージで夏にリセットした体が冬になって元に戻ろうとしている。日常の肩こり対策で、首輪系がだんだんレベルアップしてきた。 初めての首輪(2006年〜2009年ごろ、首筋のハリ〜肩こり程度) ファイテン(phiten) ネッ…


友人に本を借りた。 最近、またグルグルまわり始めていたので、気持ちと頭の整理になった。ストレスマネジメント入門 (日経文庫)作者: 島悟,佐藤恵美出版社/メーカー: 日本経済新聞出版社発売日: 2007/04/01メディア: 新書購入: 1人 クリック: 14回この商品…


PSA is most famous biomarker for prostate cancer. However, PSA screening test isn't recognized about health check in Japan. The MHLW (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare), that is Japanese FDA, had announced that the benefit of PSA scre…


Roche launched the new antibody drug, named "vismodegib".Before now, Roche continue to develop the various antibody drugs and has approved some of them. Therefore, they have probably experienced a lot and created the developing strategy. 1…