Generally, it is difficult to research the cause of the pediatric disease because of the small population.For example, the drug dosage for the pediatric disease isn't strictly decided, and the pharmacy have to calculate depend on children …
BBC announced that"Aspirin could reduce the risk of skill cancer".Skin cancer is usually classified the three, such as basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, or the rarer but more dangerous malignant melanoma.The News shows that th…
今週のお題「私のクセ」久しぶりに、日記を書いている。はてなブックマークも目を通せてないなぁ・・・最近は英語の勉強や仕事が忙しくて頭がぜんぜんまとまらない。 気晴らしのTwitterも、いつの間にか英語でつぶやいている・・・ある日、TOEICスコアが低いことが…
昨日のTokyor23で混合効果効果モデルの話題が出ていて思い出した。最近、「Rの…」なる統計本は乱立状態で節操が無い気がする。 でありながら、国内には統計学の良著が少なく、理論をしっかり学びたい場合は、どうしても洋書に頼らざるを得ない。 でも、洋書…
BBC alerted the risk that the children watch the TV for a long time.To watch the TV is not good for the eye, but also related to obese. Obese is the main problem for present human. BBC said that 50% of men and 30% of women would be obese b…
The BBS said that Nigeria, Pakistan and Afghanistan are needed polio vaccine to eradicate the disease.Africa, Tajikistan and China had been exerted more than the decade ago. Vaccination is known as one of the effective medication and can g…