


This news is a little old.

After 3.11, we often watch the diagnosis test for the cervical cancer on TV commercial. This message is that diagnostic test is very effective to detect and cure this cancer at early stage. Now main diagnostic test is Pap test, which checked cancer cells in the cervical smear.

HPV is thought to induce this cancer, and this diagnostic test could save increasing this patients if young women visit the clinic.
The USPSTF statement focused this topic and asked whether they would recommend all young women under 30 to take HPV test with Pap test nor not.
I heard the prognosis of cervical cancer is good if the patients are treated at the early stage. So if clinical evidences are clear and the combined test is reasonable for them, I think we should test HPV. On the other hand, when the number of tests are increasing, our medical cost is increasing too. Maybe this is very difficult issue.

本勧告案に関するパブリックコメント募集期間は11月16日までである。パブリックコメントは、USPSTF ウェブサイト経由、またはDr. Robert Cosby氏に郵送で提出できる。

2011/10/18号◆AHRQ情報「前立腺癌検診の勧告案にパブリックコメントを募集」「新しい子宮頸癌検診の勧告案にパブリックコメントを募集」 | 海外がん医療情報リファレンス

I am thinking that HPV is causes of the cervical cancer, but it is not true.
HPV is sexually transmitted disease, so recently this virus have induced the throat cancer and anal cancer.
These news is shocking for me. Japanese media maybe avoids to announce, because sexual issue tends to be thought as taboo in Japan. However, I'd appreciate if Japanese media changes their mind and is willing to pick up these topics.



子宮頸癌の予防に用いられている4価のヒトパピローマウイルス(HPV)ワクチンを男性間性交渉者に接種すると、ワクチンがカバーしている4タイプのHPVの感染に関連する肛門上皮内腫瘍のリスクが有意に低下することが、米California大学San Francisco校のJoel M. Palefsky氏らが行った無作為化試験で明らかになった。ワクチンの有効率は、intention-to-treat分析で50.3%、per-protocol分析では77.5%だった。論文は、NEJM誌2011年10月27日号に掲載された。
