


Artificial dialysis is the famous treatment to cure the patients who damaged their kidney.
In this report, the doctor said that this treatment is very important but we need to think another way to help the patients.
However, the media like to use the curious words or phrase for catching to the eye. As a result of it, it is difficult to get the true information by the title.

 『文藝春秋』十二月号の「衝撃レポート 人工透析は必要か」という見出しにひっかかるものを感じ、手に取ってみました。筆者は日本腎臓学会が発行した「腎疾患患者の食事療法手引き」の筆頭執筆者でもある椎貝達夫氏となっています。



Surely, the media is important to get what we want to know, but sometimes we are gave furiously to think.
I think that it is too difficult to explain the information correctly.