- 条件をつけて物を言う表現
- 押しが弱く、拒んでも良いように伝わることもある(if/if~else/if~else~then)
If you will come to the office tomorrow, check my mail box and fax.
- より論調が強く、交渉事ではうまく使い分けたい(As long as/so long as/provided (that))
As long as you come to the office, check my mail box and fax.
So long as you signed this documents, it would be more convenient to work with you.
Provided (that) your instruction is gotten, I will pass them to our staffs.
(注)as long as, so long as, provided (that) の直後に未来時制はきません。
(注)as long as と provided (that) はformalで、so long as はcasualな表現です。
- 曖昧さを残して物を言う表現、比喩 (As if/as though)
- 「事実かどうかはっきりわからない事が本当のように思える」といいたい
It looks as if the foreman would be changed within 3 months because the last quarter's profit went down.
It looks as though you could finish this work next month due to your invention.
- 「本当は事実を知っているが、本当のように思える」と言いたい
He looks very tired as though he worked all night. (徹夜していないことを知っている)
You spent a lot of time to talk to your kids as if you never see again. (二度と会えない訳じゃない)
- 対照的な2つの事を比較する
- 一文で済ませたいとき (while/whereas)
While this shop is not located at a central city, a lot of people go there every weekend.
Whereas my office was very convenient to work, my boss decided to lent another office near the station.
(注)Whereas はどちらかというとformal
- 複数の分に分けるとき (however/on the other hand)
I have been practicing the piano for 10 years. However I was not good at it.
You decided to work abroad due to your dream. On the other hand, I decided to enter the University.