


Yesterday, I received this tweet.

Roche is one of the big and premier company.
This company have a pharmaceutical division and a diagnostics division, so they are thought to be able to create a new medical service which is combined with treatment and diagnosis.

Illumina is a big company in the life science area. they are selling the RUO products.
Recently, a lot of researchers are paying attention to their product very much.
That is Next Generation Sequencer (abbreviate:NGS).
This technology is thought to be able to read whole genome of one human a day.
Therefore, Illumina will continue to grow up and maybe can find the way to become a pharmaceutical company.

On the other hand, Roche is selling the another type of NGS, too.
However, my friend said Illumina's NGS have higher spec and more useful than Roche's one.

[24日 ロイター] スイスの医薬品大手ロシュ(ROG.VX: 株価, 企業情報, レポート)は、米遺伝子解析機器メーカー、イルミナ(ILMN.O: 株価, 企業情報, レポート)に対し現金約57億ドルによる買収提示を発表した。生命科学や診断法分野におけるビジネス強化を狙う。敵対的買収となる可能性がある。




ロシュ、米遺伝子解析機器イルミナに57億ドルで買収提示 | ロイター

I'm worried that this buy-out would decrease the speed of science development and affect the hope of the patients.