


BBC said that the awareness of cannabis smoking.

The cannabis is illegal drug in Japan, but other countries is not.
Although I don't know the thinking of cannabis in UK, maybe several people are thinking that smoking cannabis is one of recreation.

Generally, cannabis is thought to be related with tuberculosis, acute bronchitis and lung cancer.

Especially, talking about the lung cancer, smoking cannabis increase the risk of this cancer 20 times compared to the tobacco.

Health risks of cannabis 'underestimated', experts warn

Experts are warning that the public dangerously underestimates the health risks linked to smoking cannabis.

The British Lung Foundation carried out a survey of 1,000 adults and found a third wrongly believed cannabis did not harm health.

And 88% incorrectly thought tobacco cigarettes were more harmful than cannabis ones - when the risk of lung cancer is actually 20 times higher.

The BLF said the lack of awareness was "alarming".

Health risks of cannabis 'underestimated', experts warn - BBC News

In Japan, the cannabis grow on the ground, we can often see it's growing. Actually, it is a common weed.

Therefore, we should keep strong mind and well recognize this harm.