


The circular tumor cells (CTCs) are the floating cells within the blood.

Basically, CTCs peel off from the solid tumor mass and start floating within the blood.
CTCs finally attach to the another tissue and then metastasis is realized.
Therefore, the detection of the CTCs is thought to surrogate the opportunity of the metastasis.

This news indicates the possibility of this theory.

 ハイリスク早期乳癌患者で完全切除手術を受け、術後補助化学療法を受ける前に末梢血中に循環腫瘍細胞(CTC)が検出された患者は予後が悪い可能性が明らかとなった。大規模臨床試験SUCCESS Aの結果から判明したもの。3月21日から24日にオーストリア・ウィーンで開催されている第8回European Breast Cancer Conference(EBCC)で、ドイツKlinikum der Ludwig-Maximilians-UniversitaetのB.Jager氏によって発表された。


On the other hand, the method of the CTCs detection is controversial.
Usually, the epithelial cell marker protein is used to detect the CTCs.
However, we don't know which protein is the best, and this detection system isn't affordable and not durable.

Thinking about the future medical circumstance, the robust and user-friendly instrument would be strongly needed.