


Now we can use several adjuvant chemotherapy for the breast cancer treatment after surgery, but it is not clear which is the best.
Because each patient have different background and the breast cancer is classified to several subtype, to have several options is good for the patients.

At ASCO 2012, one of the adjuvant chemotherapies for breast cancer patients is discussed.
NM online said that FAC resimen + weekly paclitaxel is superior than normal FAC resimen.

In this study, the breast cancer patients who is the high risk and lymph node metastasis negative were researched.
This result shows that the DFS (disease free survival time) of FAC + weekly paclitaxcel is significantly longer than that of the normal FAC resimen.

 高リスクなリンパ節転移陰性乳癌患者において、5-FU系抗癌剤を含むFAC療法による術後補助化学療法にweeklyパクリタキセルを追加した方がFAC療法単独よりも、無病生存期間(DFS)を有意に延長することが明らかとなった。GEICAM/2003-02試験の結果で、6月1日から5日にシカゴで開催された第48回米国臨床腫瘍学会(ASCO)で、スペインInstituto de Investigacion Sanitaria Gregorio MaranonのMiguel Martin氏らが発表した。



This time we could know the good effect for weekly paclitaxel, so this result may improve the breast cancer treatment in the future.