


Abbott got the approval of FISH kit for detection of ALK fusion gene.
This kit is planned to utilize before Crizotinib treatment.

Crizotinib is known as XALKORI and desined to inhibit ALK protein (made by Phizer).
This drug has been approved to use for ALK positive progressive non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC), and the detection of EML4-EML is needed before treatment.

The treatment guideline demands the two combination diagnosis. At first, the immunohistochemical (IHC) analysis of ALK fusion protein is needed. And then, the ALK translocation analysis by FISH is needed if IHC analysis is positive.

 アボットジャパンは、4月2日、EML4-ALK融合遺伝子陽性の進行性非小細胞肺癌に対する治療薬として3月末に承認されたクリゾチニブの投薬が有効であると考えられる患者の選択に用いる診断薬キット(製品名「Vysis ALK Break Apart FISHプローブキット」)が体外診断用医薬品として製造販売承認を取得したと発表した。


Abbott has been releasing other FISH diagnosis kits yet.
They probably have a high technology to develop the FISH kit.